Eurospeak Language School

Advantages of Technological devices and can they make learning more accessible?

Blended learning is a concept formed by the 21st Century and the learning changes that have shaped the way students learn today. The use of all technologies and also traditional teaching methods all come under the blended learning concept. This includes using smart boards for interactive learning, tablets, phones, computers, e-learning etc.

What are the advantages of blended learning?

The Blended learning method can benefit bigger groups of people as some of the learning can be done online and some face-2-face in a classroom. It allows more students to learn the content of the subject or lesson at once and can even be taught quicker as it can be done online when needed.

Another advantage is the fact that a teacher can give better preparation and feedback as they are not always bombarded with students in class and they can deliver better quality of lessons. Students are then able to do their assignments from home and bring them in when they need help or advice from their teacher.

Using the blended learning approach can benefit both those who are technology ‘savvy’, and those who are not. If a student struggles with online learning, they still have the option to go to class and study in the traditional way, and for those who may need to be home some days it can be accommodating to both needs. This also means that students can work at their own pace. Those who need extra time can do so and work around their needs from home or in the classroom. It can be challenging for some people to manage their time efficiently and blended learning can be the key to accommodating everyone’s needs.

Blended learning can also be a way to cut costs on classroom rental and equipment needs. The fact that it can be done online means that the teacher/school is not paying for daily classroom rental and the money can go on cutting the cost on the lessons.

Blended learning can be a more fun way to enjoy learning from home and general learning! Whether it’s from home or in the classroom the use of different technologies can allow for better resources online and better learning!

Are there any disadvantages of blended learning?

It can be less motivating for some students. Not having someone to tell you constantly and push you to do your best may lead some students to lack in their work and motivation. It is important to always keep motivated when learning as that is the best way to retain all information!

It is also important that all students have basic technology knowledge. Older students or those who have not had access to different technologies may fall behind due to not having the equipment they need at home or generally not knowing how to how to use different platforms on their devices.

Plagiarism can also be a great disadvantage. Working from home and not having someone to check can be an easy route to copying and pasting anything from the internet for a quick fix. This can also include using online translators and copying the results. Online translators are not always correct and do not always use the correct context despite the context being correct in the first language.

Despite there being pros and cons of blended learning, it has been incredibly useful and efficient during the Corona-virus pandemic. It has been the means to many people learning and finishing their courses, including primary schools and universities using this method to ensure all students have work and are able to complete it.

To finalise, the concept of blended learning for English language teaching has been modified for these past couple of years to help with the Covid-19 pandemic and to accommodate those learning and teaching from home. The benefits that Blended learning has, has been able to keep students working from home and help them not fall behind.