Eurospeak Language School

Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation

In a rapidly transforming world of ever accelerating technological innovations, it is imperative that teachers and students are equipped with the necessary skills needed to transfer and apply this new knowledge and competencies in the classroom. 

This is especially true at the age of primary education: 7 – 12. These students, as well as those from marginalised backgrounds should have every chance in life of succeeding at social entrepreneurship and innovation. 

Social entrepreneurship is not that far away from regular entrepreneurship. The main difference is that in social entrepreneurship everything the business does has a positive impact on society. In other words, it is a business that can make a profit however, that profit comes from working with societies to improve them as much as possible. 

Two great ways to encourage young people to become social entrepreneurs are the following: 

  1. to by actually showing them through interactive activities what kind of impact they could have. Young people who want to change the world can certainly achieve more through social entrepreneurship than any other kind of work field. 
  1. by giving them the tools, they need to start building their own business. For example, there are a lot of guidebooks out there who can guide people towards entrepreneurship. Building the same guidebooks but focusing on social entrepreneurship, young people will have the opportunity to learn how to step-by-step take their business idea and turn it into a social enterprise. 

If you need access as a teacher, parent or educator and more info on the social entrepreneurship and social innovation educational material please check our project SENSES here