From Heathrow Airport
You can take the train from Heathrow direct to Reading. Prices are around £25 one way, and the travel time is around 1 hour. You can book in advance on the National Rail website.
National Express runs a direct bus service from Heathrow to Reading, which departs every two 2 hours. Prices are around £20-30, and travel time is around 2 hours. You can book a ticket on the National Express website, or you can also book your ticket at one of the coach stations.
We can organize a taxi transfer for you. The price for a return-way taxi from Heathrow to Reading is £95.
From Gatwick Airport
You can take the direct train from Gatwick Airport to Reading. Prices are around £25-40 one way, and the travel time is around 1 hour. You can book in advance on the National Rail website.
We can organize a taxi transfer for you. The price for a return-way taxi from Gatwick to Reading is around £145.
From Stansted Airport
You can take the train from Stansted Airport to Reading. There are two changes, prices are around £40-55 one way, and the travel time is around 2 hours and 30 minutes. You can book in advance on the National Rail website.
We can organize a taxi transfer for you. The price for a return-way taxi from Stansted Airport to Reading is around £180.
Language is not a genetic gift, it is a social gift. Learning a new language is becoming a member of the club – the community of speakers of that language.
Frank Smith
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