Eurospeak Language School


What is the self-blended model of learning?

What is self- blend model?

The self-blended model of Learning combines in-person instruction with online learning to provide students some independence to complement their in-class learning. Different factors, such as accessing subjects not provided in schools, enrichment, and general interest, can justify such supplemental instruction. 

Why is it important?

With blended learning, students can advance at their rate. When they are ready, students can move forward by reviewing course topics and material as needed. Students can easily review past materials and complete homework at their own pace. To prepare them for a digital future, blended learning also enables students to concurrently master their material and the technology they are utilising to acquire it.

How to use it?

  • Blended learning begins with the digitization of materials. It saves time while accomplishing the seemingly impossible. 
  • Plan out the order in which your lessons and activities will occur, including when and how students will interact with online content and when they will engage in in-person activities.
  • Use a variety of evaluation techniques, including quizzes, assignments, and group projects to gauge student learning and modify courses as necessary.
  • Encourage student interaction and collaboration online. 
  • Track the development of your students and get their comments to gradually improve your blended learning strategy.

Benefits of the self-blended model of learning

  • The self-blended model of learning gives students the ability to regulate their education. Students can move forward by reviewing course topics and material as needed.
  • Blended learning can enhance communication and guarantee that students who are falling behind get the additional assistance they require.
  • It enables teachers to produce a more dynamic and captivating curriculum, increasing student retention and comprehension.
  • These resources make it simple for teachers to establish an inclusive learning environment while ensuring that content is reachable and accessible to all students.

Through self-blended model of learning, the BLENDED LEARNING in ELT project aims to combine traditional education methods with technology-supported materials or blended learning models to: plan blended lessons; to manage distance education environments; to make the lessons interesting and keep students motivated; to increase the knowledge/skills of teachers regarding digital education; to integrate mobile devices into the lesson; to use technology more effectively and safely; through training activities taking place in five different European countries covering topics such as blended learning approaches etc. for teachers, educators and trainers. Stay tuned for more news!.